I wrote the text below for the original release of this record. After 14 years it seems an even more accurate reflection on the world we live in. The music was recorded with Michael Shrieve, one of the truly legendary drummers of the world, and at the time relatively unknown guitarist Buckethead, who has since become one of the most important voices in the electric guitar community.
When looking over the tapes of these sessions I discovered tracks that I did not use the first time around. So there are no extra songs on this reissue, but a fundamental reworking of all the compositions of the first release. Some new light on this music that I did with two of my absolute favorite musicians.
Jonas Hellborg
"In a World of premeditated mass murder by governments, of rampant pedophilia, of values turned inside out by media tycoons in order to make money, of torture and unchecked genocide. Who is innocent? Who will protect the innocents? And who will stand up and face the grotesque explanations of why a 10-year-old girl walking to buy bread is shot in the back by a soldier, why parents molest their own children. How can a soldier who is somebody's brother rape.
Why can people be annihilated in the name of God the merciful.
Is it a consequence of these peoples evil? Are they aware that they are evil? Is their evil maybe only somebody's perception? Are they maybe just defending their own truth against somebody else's evil or truth. Who is pure? Who is innocent? We need to protect innocence. Not only individuals rights to be innocent but also innocence as a source of beauty, creativity and wisdom."
Buckethead guitar
Michael Shrieve drums
1 Rana and Fara 15:00
2 Death that Sleeps in Them 5:22
3. The Past Is a Different Country, I Don't Live There Anymore 9:14
4 Child King 5:47
5 Kidogo 7:14
Recorded by Oz Fritz and Paul Berry at Greenpoint Studio, Brooklyn, NY.
Mixed by Jonas Hellborg and Paul Berry at Greenpoint Studio.
Produced by Jonas Hellborg